Ela mamusang kawan pahari, Pahayak aku joget barami, Walau belum are rintangan, Panihau sejenak intu pikiran
Here are the lyrics to the song Dayak Ngaju from the capital city of Palangkaraya in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Lyrics Dayak Ngaju Maya - Ayo itah bagoyang
Ela mamusang kawan pahari
Pahayak aku joget barami
Walau belum are rintangan
Panihau sejenak intu pikiran
Ayo mina bakas tabela
Pahayak aku joget sama sama
Alem tuh itah uras badendang
Melai lapangan bulan umba manarang
Ayo itah joget barami rami
Ela sampai ketun tege kalahi
Mangat itah uras puas bagoyang
Sambil manganan belum kapusang
Suara musik je mangat tutu
Tau mangumpul bara ngawa ngaju
Walau suaraku je are sumbang
Je penting itah ulih badendang
Youtube Dayak Ngaju Maya - Ayo itah bagoyang
Artist singer : Maya
Title song language dayak ngaju : Ayo itah bagoyang
Headquarters : Palangkaraya city, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
The Dayak Ngaju tribe is a sub-ethnic group of Dayak descendants who live in Central Kalimantan. The majority of the Dayak Ngaju are concentrated mainly in the Indonesian capital city of Palangkaraya.
The collection of Dayak Ngaju songs on this simple blog emphasizes melodious sound quality, worked on by professional, handsome, natural, bajenta bajorah, neat, orderly, polite, good looking, and badengkoi works.
(Badengkoi is dancing together without shame forming a circle of a group of people who are describing the happiness of the atmosphere accompanied by orderly, by moving the feet and hands according to the rhythm of the Manasai dance, the distinctive sound and poetry which symbolizes the Ngaju Dayak tribe from the heritage of ancestors to grandchildren)
All official Youtube songs, lyrics and music videos. Free IDR 0 for you to watch and listen for life.
Thank you. GBU.