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Lyrics Christian + Music Video Unspoken band - Open the clouds #443

We're looking on to that glorious day, A brighter morning when the sky rolls away, I've been ready, since the day I was saved, We've got a ticket into heaven that's already been paid

These are Christian song lyrics in the United States of America (USA) and internationally :

Lyrics Christian Unspoken band - Open the clouds

We're looking on to that glorious day
A brighter morning when the sky rolls away
I've been ready, since the day I was saved
We've got a ticket into heaven that's already been paid

Jesus is comin' he's comin', he's comin'
Open the clouds, spirit set me free
Open the clouds, shine down on me
Open the clouds, see the sun break through
Open the clouds, shine down on you
Open the clouds, spirit set me free
Open the clouds, shine down on me
Open the clouds, see the sun break through
Open the clouds, shine down, shine down, shine down on you

Here in the family there's always room for more
A welcome from the king and an open door
Sit at the table and be satisfied
You been sent an invitation, but you gotta reply
The king is comin' he's comin', he's comin'

Open the clouds, spirit set me free
Open the clouds, shine down on me
Open the clouds, see the sun break through
Open the clouds, shine down on you
Open the clouds, spirit set me free
Open the clouds, shine down on me
Open the clouds, see the sun break through
Open the clouds, shine down, shine down, shine down on you

People get ready, people get ready, people be ready
No one knows but the day will come
All we know is it won't be long

People get ready, people get ready
Listen close for the trumpet sound
Lift your head to the heavens now

He's comin' 
He's comin' 
He's comin' 
He's comin' 
He's comin' 
He's comin' 
He's comin' 

Open the clouds, spirit set me free
Open the clouds, shine down on me
Open the clouds, see the sun break through
Open the clouds, shine down on you
Open the clouds, spirit set me free
Open the clouds, shine down on me
Open the clouds, see the sun break through
Open the clouds, let em shine
Let em shine, let em shine on you

To the north, to the south, to the east, to the west
Every knee will bow and tongue will confess
That jesus is lord, jesus is lord

To the north, to the south, to the east, to the west
Every knee will bow and tongue will confess
That jesus is lord, jesus is lord

Youtube christian Unspoken band - Open the clouds

Christianity in the United States of America and International. 

Singer : Unspoken band
Song : Open the clouds
Category denomination : Christian
Collection to : #443
Music that fascinates the soul, accompanies the heart, beautiful artwork overflows billions of human emotional imaginations. Whatever our situation. Sad, bored, disappointed, happy, sick, healthy, stress, worried, or frustrated. Music is beautiful LIFE. Singing, Singing, Singing with your LOVE
All songs christian, melodies, lyrics, and Youtube official music video. It's free $ 0 and it's legal for you to listen and watch.

Psalm 33 : 3 

Sing to Him a new song, Play skillfully with a shout of joy.

Psalm 96 : 1 

Sing to the LORD a new song, Sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Psalm 144 : 9

God, I will sing a new song to You, On a harp of ten strings I will sing praises to You.  

Afrid Francisco's simple blog tries to present more than 10 new, fresh, up to date songs & latest official Christian music videos every week here for Protestant Christian denomination standards. Thank you for visiting. God 'Jesus Christ' bless you with greater salvation, grace and love. Thank you GBU.