This is no time for fear
This is a time for faith and determination
Don't lose the vision here
Carried away by the motion
Hold on to all that you hide in your heart
There is one thing that has always been true
It holds the world together
God is in control
We believe that His children will not be forsaken
God is in control
We will choose to remember and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside Him, we know, oh
God is in control, oh God is in control
History marches on
There is a bottom line drawn across the ages
Culture can make its plan
Oh, but the line never changes
No matter how the deception may fly
There is one thing that has always been true
It will be true forever
God is in control
We believe that His children will not be forsaken
God is in control
We will choose to remember and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside Him, we know, oh
God is in control, oh God is in control
He has never let you down
Why start to worry now?
Why start to worry now?
He is still the Lord of all we see
And He is still the loving Father
Watching over you and me
Watching over you, watching over me
Watching over everything
Watching over you, watching over me,
Every little sparrow, every little king, oh
Every little king, oh
God is in control
We believe that His children will not be forsaken
God is in control
We will choose to remember and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside Him, we know, oh
God is in control, oh
God is in control, oh
God is in control, oh
God is in control
These are Christian song lyrics in the United States of America (USA) and internationally :
Singer : Twila
Song : God is in control
Category denomination : Christian Protestant and etc
Collection to : #877
Music that fascinates the soul, accompanies the heart, beautiful artwork overflows billions of human emotional imaginations. Whatever our situation. Sad, bored, disappointed, happy, sick, healthy, stress, worried, or frustrated. Music is beautiful LIFE. Singing, Singing, Singing with your LOVE
All songs christian, melodies, lyrics, and Youtube official music video. It's free $ 0 and it's legal for you to listen and watch.
This spiritual song is dedicated to the kingdom of God of Protestant Christianity
Psalm 98 : 5
Make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing.
Psalm 33 : 3
Sing to Him a new song, Play skillfully with a shout of joy.
Psalm 96 : 1
Sing to the LORD a new song, Sing to the LORD, all the earth.
Psalm 144 : 9
God, I will sing a new song to You, On a harp of ten strings I will sing praises to You.
Psalm 98 : 5 - 6
Sing unto the LORD with the harp; With the harp, and the voice of a psalm. With trumpets and sound of cornet Make a joyful noise before the LORD, the King
Afrid Francisco's simple blog presents new, fresh, up to date spiritual songs & Christian music videos for the standards of the Protestant Christian denomination. Thank you for visiting. The Lord 'Jesus Christ' blesses you with salvation, grace and greater love. Thank You. GBU